How to Play A Dog’s Life & Review

A Dog’s Life is an action point allowance, pick up and deliver game.

Title: A Dog’s Life

Year Published: 2016

Designer: Christophe Boelinger

Publisher: BETON GAMES

Players: 2-6

Game Time: ~60 mins

Set-up Time: ~2 mins

Ages: 6+

Theme: Dogs

Mechanisms: Action Point Allowance, Pick Up and Deliver

How to win: Bury 3 bones in your Den first

Game Description

A German Shepherd, a Poodle, a Whippet, a Boxer, a Labrador, and a Fox terrier take a break from their masters in order to experience an adventure in town.

But they aren’t used to taking care of themselves though. They need you, your family, and your friends to care for them!

Set Up, Game Play & Game End

A Dog’s Life Round-Up

This is a simple game from the designer of Archipelago… A VERY different game, or is it? Mechanically and Thematically, yes very different and obviously Archipelago is MUCH heavier…

But it’s a bunch of simple mechanisms with some EVIL gameplay where in order to win, you need to stab your fellow Dogs in the back.

You can Beg, search Bins and Deliver Newspapers to get bones to win the game and that’s easy. All of the players will do that.

But, if you really want to win, you need to pee on lampposts to cut off your opponent’s path to victory and fight them to make them drop their bones. You have to be a bit of a bully really.

You also need to play to your Dogs strength, don’t be the bully when you’re a puppy. If you’re weak but adorable you need to beg, that’s your strength 🙂


A very fun game that can be enjoyed by all people of ages and abilities.

I give it 6/10

A Dog’s Life First Impressions February 2017

It’s very tactical. I mention tactical peeing… But also fighting, you need to pick your fights so don’t fight the Boxer, he’s tough! Moving the Dog Catcher, while on a D6, can be done to benefit you too. The van can’t turn around, it can only go the way it’s facing so you can manoeuvre it to your advantage.

It’s a very good weight, good for families and gamers…

The Dogs are all different, you can play to their strengths and do what’s best.

It has a very cute look…

A Dog's Life Board


…which puts people off. Someone came over to our table and said: “It’s clearly a kid’s game but I hope you enjoy it.”. It’s from the designer of Archipelago, that game is no walkies in the park!

With up to 9 action points it can be difficult to track. It’s not very hard, but sometimes you need to track your turn back a bit and recount your steps.

The dogs are great, but they constantly lie down… They need work to stand up straight.


It’s a lot of fun, nice looking and means… Random? Maybe, but you can play the odds of your Dog and play to their strengths. Now go get them bones!

Jesta ThaRogue

Note: The copy I played was a review copy generously provided by ADC Blackfire Entertainment, big thanks to them for this game.

How to Play A Dog's Life
How to Play A Dog's Life

This is a 'How to play' video for A Dog's Life.


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