How to Play Bunny Kingdom & Review

Bunny Kingdom is an area control, card drafting game.

Title: Bunny Kingdom

Year Published: 2017

Designer: Richard Garfield

Publisher: Iello

Players: 2-4

Game Time: ~60 mins

Set-up Time: ~3 mins

Ages: 12+

Theme: The fantasy world of the Bunny Kingdom

Mechanisms: Drafting, Area Control

How to win: Gain the most Glory by building buildings and gathering resources in Fiefs as well as collecting treasure.

Game Description

Peace has come at last to the great Bunny Kingdom! Lead your clan of rabbits to glory by gathering resources and building new cities across the land!

How to play Bunny Kingdom

Bunny Kingdom Round-Up


Anyway, yes, I saw this announced a few years ago I knew the designer, the name of the game and the box cover. I THINK I knew this was a drafting game too… It went on my wishlist immediately.

So I picked it up at Essen and I wasn’t disappointed.

Set up is fine… The board is put out and iccle castles are placed out in their spaces which is cute. The rest of the stuff is piled up. The stack of cards is HUGE. As they’re shuffled and drafted I sleeved them (I sleeve most games) and this makes the deck HUGE.

Bunny Kingdom Components

So this pile of cards is shuffled and dealt out.

I like a bit of drafting, even it does involve needing a bit of memory but drafting 2 cards is fun. I like drafting a 2 card combo and thinking YES! But I like drafting a card that breaks up an opponent’s Fief even more…

Expanding the Kingdom

On to the best bit. When playing the cards and seeing the Kingdom expand and bunny and bunny land on the board it is great. It’s so cute and colourful and the bunnies look great as they spread across the board. Especially the ones stood in castles, they look very proud of themselves.

This expansion of the Kingdom takes it away from being a pure drafting game or even a pure area control game. This means you don’t compare it to 7 Wonders etc

Scoring is a little bit hard. It’s not the math or even the (alleged) ‘small board’, it’s the sheer number of Fiefs you need to tot up. You can have quite a few, especially late game, with some as small as just a few squares.

It’s a bit of work.

Also, it’s hard to catch up, especially if people aren’t willing to hate draft… It can be an issue.

But apart from that that the game is great. and has a great look. It’s easy to teach and doesn’t have a very long playtime.

Plus, Bunnies!


Cute, Adorable, Fun, Strategic.

I give it 8/10

Jesta ThaRogue

How to Play Bunny Kingdom
How to Play Bunny Kingdom

Learn 'How to Play' Bunny Kingdom


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