How to Play ARGH: Animals Revolt aGainst Humans & Review

ARGH is a push-your-luck, set collection game.

Title: ARGH

Year Published: 2017

Designer: Romaric Galonnier

Publisher: Blue Cocker Games

Players: 2-4

Game Time: ~15 minutes

Set-up Time: <1 minute

Ages: 8+

Theme: Intelligent animals revolting against humans

Mechanisms: Push Your Luck, Take That

How to win: Build a bomb, or score the most points

Game Description

“Revolt! Yes, my dear fellow animals, revolt against the humans who exploit us! I am a lab rat who broke free, and I will have my vengeance over those humans! Join me and together we shall blow up this place, the symbol of our oppression!” —Ratchet, Leader of Animals Revolt aGainst Humans, a.k.a. ARGH

How to Play ARGH: Animals Revolt aGainst Humans

Learn how to Play ARGH: Animals Revolt aGainst Humans including all of the rules in a quick time, for a rules refresher.

ARGH: Animals Revolt aGainst Humans Round-Up

I like these quick games that have the maximum amount of “Ha, got ya!” per turn. Love Letter does it really well and ARGH does it too.

You draw a card and want to keep it… but no matter how much you want it you can’t have it yet! The only way to GUARANTEE you have that card until the end of the game is to offer it to someone else, and hope they decline.

This is tense and requires a lot of p-p-p-poker face and bluffing.

ARGH Help Sheet

But, it is quite difficult to teach as it’s a branching tree of options.

Either draw a card or steal from another player and if you steal it must be face down and you keep it face up but if you draw you draw from any deck and either keep it face down or offer it to another player if they take it they keep it face up if they decline it you keep it face up.

Apart from that, the art is cute and the game is a tonne of fun!


A very fun light and quick game, available in regular or mini edition!

I give it 8/10

ARGH Initial Thoughts Essen 2017

I got to play Argh at Essen 2017

It’s just 3 piles of cards with silly artwork, this can’t be good, can it?

Jesta ThaRogue

ARGH: Animals Revolt aGainst Humans - How to Play
ARGH: Animals Revolt aGainst Humans – How to Play

Learn 'How to Play' – ARGH Jesta


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