One Deck Dungeon Digital First Impressions

In One Deck Dungeon, you use dice to explore a deck of cards while trying to survive.

But this is the digital version so no cards or dice in sight, but survival is still a must.

A card game “roguelike“. A dungeon delve that is different every time, difficult to survive, with a character you build up from scratch.

One Deck Dungeon Game Play

This is my play of the tutorial and a game of the digital version of One Deck Dungeon.

In summary, this is a fantasy dice placement game where players are placing dice to overcome obstacles to delve further into a dungeon one encounter at a time.


Fantasy, yay! It is a very standard fantasy but that’s OK for me. There are some cute, quirky characters you meet along the way which is cool.

Components & Artwork

They look pretty standard. I always think custom dice really make a difference to a game rather than standard D6s but I do understand they add a lot to the cost of a game.

One Deck Dungeon Components

One Deck Dungeon Summary


The different characters you choose give you plenty of different abilities. I play as the Rogue (of course) so I get to pick locks and sneak a lot. Having different characters play differently means you can take different routes through the dungeon.

Speaking of routes, the options have a good feel. As a Rogue, I probably can’t smash a door, but I can pick the lock. But as a Warrior, I’ll just try and go through it. You have to play to your characters strengths which makes total sense.

I do like dice placement games like this.

You’re able to upgrade your character as you go to help you cover your weaknesses to allow you to overcome more and more obstacles.


As good as your character might be, and as many abilities as you have, you can’t do anything about luck.

It’s a little samey room to room, roll dice and cover things.


I backed Unbroken on Kickstarter not knowing about this game. It’s the same thing but not as good.

A major issue for me is that it’s not fun as a board game OR a video game… so when would I play it? If you’re converting a solo board game to video game form it HAS to compete with video games in a similar niche and boy are there some good dungeon crawl games.

There just isn’t room for this game digitally…

Jesta ThaRogue

One Deck Dungeon Digital First Impressions
One Deck Dungeon Digital First Impressions

One Deck Dungeon Digital Review


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