Aeon’s End Digital First Impressions

Aeon’s End is a co-op deck-building game I have wanted to play for some time.

So, I bought it on Steam so I could play with myself.

The survivors of a long-ago invasion have taken refuge in the forgotten underground city of Gravehold. There, the desperate remnants of society have learned that the energy of the very breaches the beings use to attack them can be repurposed through various gems, transforming the malign energies within into beneficial spells and weapons to aid their last line of defence: the breach mages.

Aeon’s End Game Play

This is my play of the tutorial and a game of the digital version of the game.

In summary, this is a co-op deck-building game where players play as Breach Mages with unique abilities trying to defeat a Nemesis.


Fantasy things beating up on other fantasy things is probably an unfair description but it is correct. I mean, look at the video thumbnail for the image on the front of the box. That is clearly a big fantasy monster.

The characters you play as are unique and fun though.

Components & Artwork

I have seen the physical components first hand and they look standard. It’s by Indie Boards & Cards and it definitely looks like one of their games. Although I have a couple from them and quality varies from ‘OK’ to ‘Not bad’.

The art isn’t for me, it’s a bit dark… as in there are lots of blacks and browns. It makes for a nice overall aesthetic but it’s kinda dull.

Aeon's End Physical Components

Aeon’s End Summary


The different characters are very different. Their deck and abilities make for a great replay-ability and while you’ll have favourites, you’ll also have options.

On top of this, you also have the different nemeses that provide a wide range of different options. Combine these first two positives and you have a tonne to be getting on with.

The whole thing about spell prepping and casting from available breaches is pretty nice and involves a lot of thought and planning. I always like a thematic way to restrict your power only to see it build up as the game goes on.

I’ve only played it solo, but I’m sure co-operatively it is very good. Each Breach mage has an ability you can use to help the other players.

The variable turn order of play is really good fun. You can use it to help plan as cards are revealed. Of course, you can get absolutely hammered when/if the nemesis takes several turns in a row.

The digital version of the game plays well.

The game is quite hard.


The game is very hard 🙂

There are 24 entries on BGG and I’ve missed several Kickstarters over the last 5-6 years. 3 of the entries are around the legacy version of Aeon’s End so I could probably give those a miss anyway. 7 Entries look like or are definitely promos leaving 10 entries, at least one of which is a standalone expansion. That’s quite the buy-in for a completionist like me.

There is also a second edition so are all these expansions compatible? Research would be needed.

When playing the digital version there is a lot to keep track of for a solo game. I tend to prefer lighter less taxing games when playing something digital. Or at least a ‘proper’ video game if I’m going to spend my time playing something.


So let’s get this out of the way first. if I want to play a fantasy co-op deck-building game I will always go to Hero Realms. For one I like it better, but also, I already own it. (So the buy-in is already paid for) It’s also a smoother system to play. I’m also all in on Marvel Champions which, while not a deck-builder, does the same thing in a different way but also does it better.

So while I do think the game is a good one with plenty to like, it’s never going to be near the top of my list.

I will keep the digital version installed to play from time to time.

Jesta ThaRogue

Aeon's End Digital Review
Aeon's End Digital Review

How to play Aeon's End on Steam


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