UK Games Expo 2018 Mini-Vlog & Interviews

The UK Games Expo 2018  was another success for everyone!

Here are the videos I made during the 2.5 days I was there.

UK Games Expo 2018 Vlog

A quick look around the halls and the sights and sounds of the UK Games Expo 2018.


A party game about stating your case to the ‘Pundit’ in an as punny way as possible. Impress them to score points while trying to (or not to) earn Cringe cards.

Watch the video to see (or just hear) how this game plays.

Wreck and Ruin

This is a great-looking post-apocalyptic miniatures combat game where you have a bunch of different vehicles trying to control objectives in the Wastes. Check out the great way damage is tracked!

Dare to Dream

An asymmetrical game where 1 player is The Darkness, real things that are in your Nightmares. The rest of the players are Guardians, loyal Toys, etc that protect the children as they sleep.

Robot Royal

A tactical robot fighting game where you need to position yourself to be able to shoot the opposition in an ever-changing arena. This game needs to be seen to be properly understood.


A five-a-side dice-based football card game where you play tactics to attack and defend using dice. If you’re a fan of football you should check this one out.


A mobster-themed card game where you play a Rat, in both the Zoological and Metaphorical sense.

Corball: The Zero Gravity Sport

A sports game set in the future where the twists and turns of playing in zero gravity are represented by an ever-changing board layout. The board system is unique, check out the video to see how it works.

Gobblin’  Goblins

A set collection game where you need to defeat your opponents by being the greediest of the greedy Goblins. The artwork and names of food used in  this game need to be seen,


Take your starting fish and use experience points to upgrade it will all kinds of abilities to help it survive! This game uses Halfsies Dice so it’s worth watching the video even if it’s just to see them, they’re great!

Ominoes: Hieroglyphs

I looked at Ominoes at Airecon earlier this year. This is a tile-laying and flipping game, watch the video to see how this game plays and how points are scored.


Build, the game of international development which will help you better understand development issues in this area. Take a mismanaged Island to a better government and a better life.

Big Book of Battle Mats

Does exactly what it says on the cover. A book of foldable, or foldout-able battle mats used for RPGs. Choose from one of 29 locations, fold out the book, place your minis on it and you’re good to go!

Jesta ThaRogue


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