TZAAR Board Game First Impressions

TZAAR is a 2 player abstract game with black and white bits…

I’m going to lose, aren’t I?

TZAAR is a game about making choices. Both players have 30 pieces, divided in three types: 6 Tzaars, 9 Tzarras and 15 Totts. The 3 types of pieces form a trinity: They cannot exist without each other.

The aim is either to make the opponent run out of one of the three types of pieces or to put him in a position in which he cannot capture any more. The tricky question the players will have to ask themselves on each of their turns is: “Shall I make myself stronger or my opponent weaker?” Meaning: Will you capture an opponent’s piece and make him weaker, or will you jump on top of one of your own pieces and make yourself stronger?

If you choose to jump on top of your own pieces too often, you will probably leave your opponent with too many pieces on the board. On the other hand, if you capture too often, you may end up with pieces that are not strong enough at the end of the game. What to do? Up to you to decide!

So you move any of your pieces down a straight line to either take an opponent’s piece or stack it on top of your own to make it more powerful.

A stack can only take another stack equal to or shorter than itself.

You have two moves and the first MUST be used to take a piece.

Tzaar Board

There are 3 different types of pieces and they all do the same thing. But, you continue taking turns until someone loses all pieces of one type.

TZAAR Summary

I haven’t really said much or sounded too enthusiastic because it’s an abstract game. The gameplay comes from thinking about the right move, looking around the board and trying to predict your opponent’s move.

Do you take a piece and then make one of yours stronger? Or take 2 pieces?

If you do stack a piece up is it going to be safe? If you lose it you lose two pieces. It’s quite easy to miss having one of your pieces taken from across the board next turn…

A very good abstract game that gives you plenty to think about.

Jesta ThaRogue

TZAAR Board Game First Impressions
Article Name
TZAAR Board Game First Impressions
TZAAR review
Jesta ThaRogue


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