Lords of Waterdeep First Impressions

Lords of Waterdeep is a worker placement game set in the D&D universe.

It could also be described as a cube acquisition game based on a board with Meeples (Yay Meeples!)

Waterdeep, the City of Splendors – the most resplendent jewel in the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady back-alley dealings. In this game, the players are powerful lords vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resources are ripe for the taking, and that which cannot be gained through trickery and negotiation must be taken by force!

The following is a prepared statement that has to be said every time someone talks about this game.

“Lords of Waterdeep component quality is excellent and the box insert is the best around”

There, done. Back to this game, I played on tabletop Day 2013.

I have to say, I like this game. It’s basic but it does require thought. Although, it’s not as complex as some Euro’s out there I like its simplicity.

Lords of Waterdeep

I don’t remember the name of my Lord but I had to complete Skulduggery and Wealth quests. I completed a 25-point quest and got off to a flying start and was quite a bit in the lead.

But that led to me having no intrigue cards, no quests and no resources… At all. By the time I had built everything back up, I was only 10 points ahead and the game was almost over.

I would say that 8 turns do not seem like a lot for this game, I would like more.


Anyway… I didn’t win and the winner had the building builder Lord card and won by building a majority of the buildings.

I think a few more games and we’ll be more tactical and understand things a bit better. I’m looking forward to playing it again.

Lords of Waterdeep Above

The names of the Lords, the names of the Locations, the Quest titles and the little blocks that represent people all have very little impact. Which is a shame? But at least it’s fun to play.

Lords of Waterdeep Mini Review

(Updated 11/05/2018)

So after 3 plays, I’d had enough. It was too basic and by that time I had played much more involved worker placement games, I like so much more.

But it is pretty and OK, I would play it if forced and I would suggest it to new gamers who like D&D

Good Gateway, but then sell it and move on 🙂

Rating 4/10

Jesta ThaRogue

Lords of Waterdeep First Impressions
Article Name
Lords of Waterdeep First Impressions
Lords of Waterdeep review
Jesta ThaRogue


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