Pie Face Board Game First Impressions

Pie Face: Click, Click, Click, Click…


The game revolves around the gag of getting a pie in the face. There is a mechanical device with an arm that holds a sponge that you cover with shaving cream to simulate the pie.

So you stick your head in a hole in front of an arm that holds a hand of cream… You look a bit silly from the front but you don’t mind when it’s your go.

We didn’t have any cream or anything sensible at hand so we used shaving gel 🙂

Pie Face In Action

A spinner shows numbers 2-5 and that’s how many times you turn the handle… Each turn has an audible click so you know when you’ve done it.

Eventually, someone gets it in the face. As we were using shaving gel, if it got in your eye it hurt!

Pie Face Summary

It’s a good laugh in a Russian Roulette kinda way and will be fun when you’re not playing with a pile of eye-stinging shaving gel 🙂

I think there is a way to score points but who cares about that right? 🙂

Not sure about longevity, but a good family game.

Update June 2018

So this is a nice bit of fun, right? A bit messy, you won’t play it in my house but fun all the same. There are loads of variations of it now including a 2 player version that looks fun.

There have been water balloon-style games like this that get you wet, but nothing that goes straight for the face that I’m aware of.

Personally, I prefer either a speed quiz or a dexterity game if I was playing something light and easy. Also, not anything that needs cleaning up afterwards!

But hey, worse games than this have been used as a gateway into the hobby. First, it’s Pie Face, then Uno and then it builds from there. Everyone has to start somewhere! 🙂

Fun mass market games have their place in the hobby, just accept it and let it happen 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Pie Face Board Game First Impressions
Article Name
Pie Face Board Game First Impressions
Pie Face Board Game First Impressions
Jesta ThaRogue


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