“The paperback is very interesting but I find it will never replace the hardcover book, it makes a very poor doorstop.”
~Alfred Hitchcock
You are a paperback author trying to finish novels for your editor. Complete Westerns, Science Fiction, Romance or even the rare Best-Seller. Live the dream — and maybe pay the bills.
Paperback involves Deckbuilding! Yay!
In this game, you have a deck of cards that represent letters and wildcards. On your turn, you use them to build a word in your hand using as many cards as you wish.

The cards you use in your word each have a value which you can use to spend on new cards from a selection in the middle of the table.

There is a pile of cards which is a common letter that everyone can always use. If you build a word using a number of letters above the current common letter, you get to add it to your deck.

Each player also has a special ability, these are optional.

At the end of the game, there are a number of special scoring cards that are given to the player that ‘won’ them by meeting the criteria…

Cards are also worth points and at the end of the game, the player with the most points wins.
Paperback Positives
Interesting spin on deck building. Using cards to spell words means you need to get the right combination of letters into your deck. My goal was to get ‘I-N-G-S’ and I did it! Sadly never got them all in my hand at the same time.
Paperback Negatives
Some card powers are way too strong. I got 2 cards that made Wild Cards in my word have a monetary value. Point cards, the ones that give points but no income, were also ‘wild’ so I could buy them without losing out on income each turn. It felt a little bit like cheating on my turn.
Attack cards and be nasty.
Not a bad deck builder.
Jesta ThaRogue

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