Nosferatu Card Game First Impressions

Nosferatu has Renfield + Vampires vs Hunters.

Bite, Stake or be Bitten…

In 1887, a vampire wakes up and seeks to quench his thirst for blood. Brave men and women ally to destroy him – but to do so, they will have to thwart the plot of Renfield, his faithful servant.

I bought this at Essen but I hadn’t had a chance to play it when I had a chance to play someone else’s copy.

One player is Renfield and they secretly chooses a player to be a Vampire and the others are Hunters. This is a 5-8 player game so there will be 3 Hunters at least.

The Hunters need to Stake the Vampire to win Nosferatu.

Renfield and the Vampire need to work together to give out 5 bits to all the players if they win. Or they can bluff to hope one Hunter Stakes another.

Nosferatu Cards

On your turn…

Players take cards from a pile, giving one to Renfield face up and one to the discard pile face up. After each player performs this action they turn over a clock card. If it’s night card play continues if it’s dawn (only one in the deck of 6-9 cards) this phase ends no matter how many players have performed this action.

The cards are bites and night cards which the Vampire is trying to secretly give to Renfield and the Hunters are trying to discard. Bites are given to players, remember 5 bites and they win. Night cards are added to the deck to make it less likely the Dawn card will be revealed.

Rumours have no effect really and just stop Renfield from receiving all of the other kinds of cards, Components.

If he does have all components in his hand the Hunters get to choose one of 3 special powers.

Heal a bite, Reveal and Character or Remove a Night Card.

Play continues in this way until there is a winner.

Here are some tips for social deduction games.

Nosferatu Summary

Nosferatu is a good game. I’ve played a couple of times as the Hunter and a couple as Renfield. Before I decide I like it I want to play the Vampire.

Jesta ThaRogue

Nosferatu Card Game First Impressions
Article Name
Nosferatu Card Game First Impressions
Nosferatu review
Jesta ThaRogue


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