Eaten By Zombies Card Game First Impressions

Eaten By Zombies is a basic deck-building game with a little something added on…

…and of course, Zombies!

In the new game Eaten By Zombies! players strive to survive as the horde of the living dead make it their goal in Death to force you to join the crowd. You must work with or against the other survivors to be the last one standing. No not standing, cowering in the corner crying for their mommy.

You have a standard deck of crappy cards and you use them to buy stuff.

But each turn you have Zombies to deal with. You can fight or flee.

If you fight, you must use fight cards to defeat them all or lose damage (Remove cards in your hand, graveyard or top of your deck from the game)

If you flee it’s the same thing.

At first, you get 1, maybe 2, but then you start getting 4-5 and losing half your deck if you’re unable to cope.

This game is tough!

Eaten by Zombies Gameplay

I like deck builders that add a little something. Eminent Domain and its tableau building, Puzzle Strike and its combat and Tanto Cuore and its dodgy ‘Chambering’ mechanism are good examples.

I like how you gain and lose cards from your deck. It makes it a bit more random but again, it’s something different.

I liked this one.

Eaten By Zombies Update 27/05/2018

Deck Builders are SO common that you have to be special to stand out, or at least be different.

When you look at my favourite deck builders they rarely stray from being simple and trying too hard. Legendary Encounters: Firefly and Hero Realms are both quick, simple and quite standard deck-building games.

Popular deck builders, I’m not that much of a fan of games like Clank! and Tyrants of the Underdark.  Both are focused away from the cards and onto the board. I do like Trains, but this has the bare minimum focus on the board.

Eaten by Zombies is a standard deck builder where you lose cards, and it’s hard which makes it unfun for me, sorry!

I do like Zombies in my games though 🙂

Jesta ThaRogue

Eaten By Zombies Card Game First Impressions
Article Name
Eaten By Zombies Card Game First Impressions
Eaten By Zombies review
Jesta ThaRogue


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