Bang! The Dice Game First Impressions

Bang: the Card Game is bad, but the iOS version is ok…Now we have Bang! The Dice Game

So how about this one?

In the U.S. wild west, the eternal battle between the law and the outlaws keeps heating up. Suddenly, a rain of arrows darken the sky: It’s an Indian attack! Are you bold enough to keep up with the Indians? Do you have the courage to challenge your fate? Can you expose and defeat the ruthless gunmen around you?

So roles in Bang! The Dice Game are the same as the card game. There is a Sheriff who reveals themselves, a Renegade and 2 Outlaws. We only played with 4 players so no Deputy.

Bang! The Dice Game Character

 You also get a character role which gives you an ability.

Bang! The Dice Game game starts with the Sheriff, who rolls all the dice. Like many other games, you get two lots of re-rolls. The six-sided dice have 6 unique sides with different abilities.

Bang! The Dice Game Dice


Dynamite – Can not be re-rolled, 3 of these end your turn and you lose a life but you resolve the other dice as normal.

1 or 2 – Shoot a player 1 or 2 sits away. They lose a life.

Beer – Choose a player to gain a life.

Bullet Holes – If you roll 3 or more, each other player loses 1 life and you lose all of your arrows.

Arrow – Gain an arrow token. If all the arrow tokens are taken each player takes damage equal to the number of arrows they have, returning them to the middle. You can re-roll an arrow die but you still take the arrow.


As with the card game, the Sheriff is trying to survive, the Outlaws are trying to kill the Sheriff and the Renegade is trying to kill the Sheriff but only AFTER the Outlaws have been killed.

Also, if we had a Deputy, they would be trying to survive with the Sheriff.

Struggle to tell your Deputy from a Renegade? Read my social deduction game tips here.

Bang! The Dice Game Summary

I’d like to give this a play with the Deputy, but my initial impressions are this is a fun game and much better than the card version.

Jesta ThaRogue

Bang! The Dice Game First Impressions
Article Name
Bang! The Dice Game First Impressions
Bang! The Dice review
Jesta ThaRogue


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